miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2009

A PIECE OF NEWS 4: The uninvited.

Click on this Link to get the complete piece of news.

took this picture from the notas de cine web site on March 23th, 2009.

In this picture we can see a girl in the window search someone.
In this picture is very dark because the escenary about this pictures is sinister.
The director of this korean film is Kim Ji-woon.


The history from this film is remake Two Sisters. This review follows the adventures of western Anna, a young man who returns from a psychiatric institution and investigate the circumstances surrounding the mysterious and untimely death of his mother. While Anna is recovering from the tragedy, her father falls in love with Rachel, the former nurse from her mother and takes her to live at home. The chagrin of Anna soon turns into horror andalusia aparecérsele the ghost of his mother, claiming revenge and Rachel drawing with the finger. When a parent refuses to listen to their warnings, Anna and her sister Alex, investigate the questionable past of Rachel.

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2009

Mythical Creatures

1. Go to this web site: Link

2. then play the game!!!

3. next visit this place: Link

4. and do this crossword.

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2009

Save the world

I got this text from the imagine book

R. MacAndrew and Colin Granjer.(2003). Imigine 3. Macmillan Heinemann English Language Teaching.


This powerpoint is made with the imagine book.
first I took pictures about the text, then I write the text in presentetion, next when I put the text then I put the pictures next to the text, finally I publish the presentation in the blogger.

Click on this link to see the presentation.

jueves, 12 de febrero de 2009

The Circle of Life.

I got this text from the imagine book

R. MacAndrew and Colin Granjer.(2003). Imigine 4. Macmillan Heinemann English Language Teaching.


This powerpoint is made with the page 44 and 45 of the imagine book.
first I took pictures about the text, then I write the text in presentetion, next when I put the text then I put the pictures next to the text, finally I publish the presentation in the blogger.

Click on this link to see the presentation.

viernes, 30 de enero de 2009

A PIECE OF NEWS 3: Big slump in Japan factory output.

Click on this link to get the complete piece of news.

I took this picture from the BBC.com web site on january 30th, 2009.
in this picture we see that some mechanisms are trying to made a car. The person we see are from japan.The japoneses are so distressed because them economy. The unemployment rate also rose in December to 4.4%, a three-year high.
Official figures showed that 2.7 million people in Japan were without work, 400,000 more than a year ago.
I like this picture 'cuz the people are trying something to mad his economy.


Japan's economy slipped into its first recession in seven years in the third quarter of last year.
Exports have dropped as worldwide demand for Japanese products, such as cars and electrical equipment, has fallen sharply.
Official data also showed a big drop in the rate of inflation, increasing the likelihood of deflation.
Economists fear falling prices will deter consumers from making major purchases, ultimately worsening the recession.
The gloomy official economic data came as three more Japanese companies reported poor financial figures.

jueves, 22 de enero de 2009

A PIECES OF NEWS 2: A third 'drink over daily limit'

Click on this link to get the complete piece of news.

I took this picture from the BBC.com web site on january 22th, 2009.

in this picture we see a person drinking an alcoholic drink. The person we see is from UK. this guy is drinking an alcoholic drink because in Great Britain drink over the recommended daily amount at least one day a week, figures show.

I like this pictures because I think that this guy is taking care himself. Data from the Office for National Statistics for 2007 shows one in five adults consumed more than double the "limit" on their heaviest drinking day.


A separate survey shows awareness of safe drinking limits has increased in the 10 years, but many people are still confused on the exact recommendations.
Alcohol Concern said more action was needed to tackle binge drinking.
Current advice on drinking is that men should not regularly drink more than three to four units of alcohol and women should not regularly drink more than two to three units. Figures from almost 16,000 over-16s who took part in the General Household Survey 2007 showed that 37% of adults exceeded the benchmark during the week before they were interviewed.
More men drank over the recommended limit on at least one day in the week (41%) compared with women (34%).
The figures suggest alcohol consumption is higher in the middle classes.
People in "managerial and professional" households drank more than the daily limits on their heaviest drinking day of the week (43%) than those in "routine and manual" households (31%).
There has been little change in alcohol consumption since 2006 and comparisons with previous years are difficult due to a change in how intake is measured.

viernes, 9 de enero de 2009


Click on this link to get the complete piece of news.

I took this picture from the BBC.com web site on january 16th, 2009.

in this picture we see some of the competitors in the competition for surfers. we see the joy on his face because it is one of the winners of the competition.
this girl is form South East Cornwall. The girl of this picture is very happy because she won the competition.
She is very happy with a big smile for won the competition.
I like this picture because the girl of this competition is very happy, but I don't like the trophy because is very awful, but is a trophy.
The competition was organised by the newly formed South East Cornwall Surf Club, in partnership with Christian Surfers UK who assisted in running the event.

The organisers which allowed each surfer from every team 30 minutes in the water, this was possible by having '30 minute seven person' heats which counted towards the team score.
So after the initial disappointment the 'Ice Cube' produced another great contest at the end of the festive period, thanks to all the Committee, Sponsors and Christian Surfers UK.


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... ¬¬' is censured xDDD