viernes, 30 de enero de 2009

A PIECE OF NEWS 3: Big slump in Japan factory output.

Click on this link to get the complete piece of news.

I took this picture from the web site on january 30th, 2009.
in this picture we see that some mechanisms are trying to made a car. The person we see are from japan.The japoneses are so distressed because them economy. The unemployment rate also rose in December to 4.4%, a three-year high.
Official figures showed that 2.7 million people in Japan were without work, 400,000 more than a year ago.
I like this picture 'cuz the people are trying something to mad his economy.


Japan's economy slipped into its first recession in seven years in the third quarter of last year.
Exports have dropped as worldwide demand for Japanese products, such as cars and electrical equipment, has fallen sharply.
Official data also showed a big drop in the rate of inflation, increasing the likelihood of deflation.
Economists fear falling prices will deter consumers from making major purchases, ultimately worsening the recession.
The gloomy official economic data came as three more Japanese companies reported poor financial figures.

3 comentarios:

***eVeLyN **** dijo...

Your blog is like Agusti's example.
The summary is interesing.

And the picture is very interresting.


sergio dijo...

hello 1!!!!

your news is okay the information and the photo are clear.

your blog is like agusti´s example.

byeee !!!

Sergioo **

ByLaura dijo...

Add this link.
The summary is complete.



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... ¬¬' is censured xDDD